Thursday, 22 May 2014


Part One

 While I was away for the eight month mother notice awarded to me together with my fellow second years, courtesy of the “big boys who call the shots” in the administration block. This notice affected all second years in main campus apart from the engineers in the school of technology. There are many people I missed but those I missed most are the ones who will feature in this article.
Top of the list is my friend, roommate and course mate Luqmane Ntarangwi. This friend of mine from Nyambene area in Meru County, whom I suspect is the son of the chairman of Nyambene Miraa Traders Association (NYAMITA) since he is always dropped by a Toyota Hilux during the semesterial opening days. He always claims am a hater every time I have a different opinion which is contradictory to his, to add on his constant arguments that usually come up out of nowhere. That one aside he also claims am a member of Illuminati every time I attire myself in a suit and I carry my briefcase.

Joshua Ongechi this roommate of mine since my first year who is a staunch traditionalist. Whenever he has a misfortune such as a simple headache, he claims that jealous people, unhappy with his successful endeavors in the university are following him from the village. My course mate Ajema used to say am funny until she came across one Ongechi who told her he would convince his father to sell their only donkey which helps them in fetching water from the river so that she could marry her. His sarcasm does not end there he is creative in making up stories of how respected he is at the village level to the extent that the village chief consults him when things become difficult. In addition he claims that in shops at the shopping centre have his portrait placed next to that of the president. To add on to his sarcasm he claims that whenever he hugs a girl he receives a phone call from either his father or mother warning him of how the world is tough and diseases are rife. He also claims that he all the chics in campus who are ignoring him now, will be after him in two years and at that time he would be a senior reporter in the media fraternity to the extent of dining and wining with the likes of Janet Mbugua.

Pesh and Sialo this two course mates of mine who are always in my exam committee for various unexplainable reasons. They are the only course mates who update me on the 411’s about me in class like I don’t have a smartphone so that I join whatwhat, sorry meant whatsapp. As a matter of fact am not buying a smartphone since we are living in an era of smart phones and foolish persona’s. They are the reason I changed my prayers to the Almighty that He should protect me from my friends as I will take care of my enemies since I now know them. I almost forgot they bankroll most of my take-away fries at Collo’s café.
To be Continued
The writer is a second year and the  Editor in Chief The Communicator-Moi University

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