By Vollah Owino
Never in my life had I seen an aborted life. Throughout my life abortion was just a story, a fictional one. In Moi University main campus exactly a week ago at the same time, I came across an aborted infant who was nearing birth. I can attest as it had already developed nails, hair, ears and eyes to a recognizable state though am neither a medical student or practitioner. How on earth could a female university student gather the courage to send an innocent life back to the creator? Am not trying to play the Messiah in this case, how can someone educated in the highest learning institution on earth do such a thing? Was it a case of unplanned pregnancy? If so why abort an innocent life? Let me just stop at that point as taking the woman involved to cavalry alone is an injustice, a gross injustice! While the First Lady Margret Kenyatta is bus y engaging herself in races to fund her beyond zero campaign some chic somewhere is bus perpetrating infant mortality.
A woman cannot impregnate herself there must be a man involved in the equation, a `man and a half` as not all men are able to impregnate women as some are sterile. To the father to be who would have been the father, why did you impregnate an “innocent girl”? Condom dispensers are all over the hostels?
However I won’t crucify the `would be` father maybe the woman was a double agent, a player, or even a coach in the dating game thus she had no otherwise but to get rid of an innocent soul disregarding the 5th commandment – THOU SHALL NOT KILL-. Has religion lost ground? With all this biblical teachings? Has immorality gained ground? Or is it immorality the new religion with different demi gods all over from alcoholism to abortion? Are we a lost generation full of modernity, ignorant to our traditional values?
Some people have already started saying at the back of their minds that who am I to play the Messiah of which am not and will never be. I just want to play to the lord to forgive the `would be mother` who just got rid of that innocent soul, on a Sunday, a holy day to find peace in her conscience, because she did not know what she was doing. Nobody knows what the aborted would be in the future or maybe the woman will be barren for her lifetime. This is one of the visible effects of gross immorality in higher institutions of learning, those invisible today will be visible in the future only time will tell.
May I take this chance to congratulate all the expectant colleagues in higher institutions of learning, as it takes absolute courage to be a student in expectant condition maneuvering the questioning minds and judgmental beings?